Caiques! Yikes!
Look out! We've arrived and we're ready to PARTY HARDY!  Haven't you heard? We caiques, (pronounced  kigh-eeks) from South America (along the Amazon River) are rip roaring and ready to play all day! Cowabunga! Come n' play along with us!!! Yipee!!!
Sage: white-bellied male
Jade: white-bellied hen     Molly: black headed hen
Hey Jade...is that MY picture up there?
Jade and Sage are brother and sisterext
We're not allowed to talk right now...we've been put in the corner for being too rambunctious and having too much fun!Text
Are you talking to me? I don't see anyone else so you must be talking to me...hey...are you talking to me?ext
Caiques are high energy, curious, on-the-go,  feisty, playful, devoted, loving parrots. They spend hours climbing, swinging, tumbling wrestling, chewing  and hopping. They have big parrot personalities packed into compact  wee bodies and need gentle guidance and training early on to curb their strong personalities.
Molly, below, is my only black headed caique. She turned 4 years old on March 15, 2003!
Caiques are born to play and be active so need a larger cage than one would think with lots of toys and vertical things to climb. They sleep in a roosting box, often upside down on their backs! (Takes years off my life seeing them sleep like this!)TTa ext
This is Sophie and her goose. We believe she is the first white-bellied caique hen to be born in Canada. She's 8 months old here.TWext
Um, Finnegan, we have company! Get your head outta the food dish and say hello to everyone!Tandext
FINNEGAN ! Are you crazy? You can't moon the nice people! It's highly undignified and they won't come back!T
Soonz I figure out how to make a knot, I'm gonna hog tie Finnegan! Hee hee!Text
MOLLY ... my black-headed caique ext.
Molly and Jade's pics are courtesy of Carol Sherman with her digital camera...   abundant thanks Carol!Click here to add your text.
~ JADE ! ~
CMolly and Jade live together in a nice large cage loaded with lots of hanging things to climb, swing and play on. These two girlies adore each other and have more fun than a barrel of monkeys. Molly is a bit of a piglet who will happily stay on the playgym and eat heartily while Jade stays for only a minute or two, then flies over to the nearest human for some wrestling, surfing and poking rather large holes in anything she can get her beak into!cthan

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